Our Story

We are parents of four wonderful children. We are also Presidential Diamonds and the biggest dōTERRA leaders in the UK, with a team that spans across Europe and customers from all over the world.

Our story began in 2014 when I learnt about a business opportunity with an essential oil company called dōTERRA. At the time, I was expecting our third child and feeling quite stressed as the business Nathan was working with and had invested a lot of money in was going under.  I felt the dōTERRA business was an answer to prayer and started using essential oils on myself and my family.

I was amazed by the ways essential oils could help the body heal both physically and emotionally and was shocked that this wasn't common knowledge. I felt very passionate about sharing my experience and the science behind essential oils with as many people as I could so that they too could experience the same benefits.

Nathan had always been very supportive of dōTERRA and after about a year of seeing how passionate I was about it and my resilience, he started to recognise and believe in the business and its potential. We both realized that this business could give our family the stability we had been looking for.   From this point, Nathan began to actively work with me in growing our dōTERRA business.

Together, we were able to strategize and implement many ideas and tools that helped us grow our dōTERRA business at a rapid rate. We went from supplementing our income to earning thousands of pounds per month in just a few months. We were also able to help others who wanted to do the same by providing them with tools and support.

Today, we feel incredibly grateful to have one of the largest teams in Europe and customers from all over the world. We have personally mentored numerous individuals to attain financial freedom and helped hundreds of people supplement their income, despite having no prior experience in network marketing.

Our success with dōTERRA has allowed us to achieve our dream home and provide our children with the education they wanted. We now have the freedom to travel with our family and live anywhere in the world.

Beyond these material benefits, dōTERRA has also given us the gift of time freedom to spend with our four children and the ability to give back to others.

It has also provided us with the unexpected gift of deep personal development and has taught us many important principles.  One very important lesson we have learnt is that it is not about the end destination and more about who you become along the way and those you bring with you!

Our initial goal was to attain financial stability, but dōTERRA has enabled us to pursue our true vision of empowering others to achieve a healthy body, mind, and financial income. We hope to inspire more people to follow their dreams and help others do the same.