When should you Introduce LRP?

In the Class

We personally hardly ever do this at the end of a class as we feel it is too much information for people to take in and can be overwhelming. We will occasionally mention it on an individual basis when we talk with each guest after the class but it will be very brief when we do this and we will then say, “We will share more about this in your wellness consultation”.

However, if you do want to share LRP at the end of the class then these are the main points to briefly cover;

  • With your wholesale account, you are under no obligation to purchase oils. You can buy once a year if you would like.

  • However, what dōTERRA have found is as people start using the oils, they often want to purchase oils every month. Doterra set up the LRP for this purpose – to reward their loyal customers.

  • The LRP is like a Tesco club card or a boots card……as you spend each month, you collect points which you can then exchange for free dōTERRA products. This is a very generous program which helps you get a lot more from your account.

  • We will cover this more in the Wellness Consultation

At the Wellness Consultation

This is the best time to introduce LRP as you take them through the booklet and show them their account online. You can also send customers a video of you explaining it and also the dōTERRA video as it is quite a hard concept to grasp straight away.

Other ideas of when to share LRP

  • In your monthly Newsletters

  • At the end of Continued Education Classes

  • On your Facebook groups

  • Customer Service calls (it is a good idea to call customers 3 months after they have joined to see how they are getting on. You can carry on doing this every 3 month after).

Ways to Increase LRP

There are many ways to increase LRP right from the start! Here are a few ideas: 

Re-Invest your Fast Start

You could use some of your Fast Start to reinvest in your business by gifting one of the following to help increase LRP;

LRP Welcome Gift Pack

You can gift this at a class when someone enrols or send it to them once the order has been processed. You could also promise to bring this to the Wellness Consultation (this helps to incentivise to have the consultation!). This could be a small pack of whatever you choose. The best products to select are those that are not in any of the starter kits and give new customers a ‘taster’ of products they might want to order regularly. For example, you could choose from the following; toothpaste sample, probiotic sachet, shampoo and conditioner sample, deep blue rub sachet, roller ball to make their own dilutions, coconut oil, samples of emotional oils or other popular oils. You can then briefly go through these products during the wellness consultation. This is a lovely way of introducing new products in a very subtle way that the customer will love.

Gift a Resource

Examples of this could be; Gift a Symphony of the Cells booklet and/or Modern Essentials book, Essential oils app/droplii app (this is free to gift once you have purchased it yourself). You can gift these for orders over 200pv or for anyone who goes onto LRP or as stated above; you can use these on an individual basis. They are great gifts as they provide the customer with information and help them to be more confident to use their oils which will make them more likely to use more of them and get onto LRP! 

Customer Facebook Group

You can add your customers to existing groups such as; ‘essential gifts of the earth’ or start your own customer group. This is a really great way to keep in touch with your customers and address questions and concerns on a larger scale, which will save you time in the long run! You can post videos and comments showing how you use the oils in your daily life and with your family and friends and pets etc. You can also post what your monthly orders are and keep customers up to date with the ‘product of the month’ and other offers. It is also a great way to communicate upcoming events.

Customer Service Calls

It is a good idea to contact your new customer a month after they enrolled as this is when they will probably have lots of questions. It is often a better time to speak with them about the benefits of LRP as they have had time to digest the products they have and are often in a space to be open to other products. You could do another customer call 3 months later and then after a year. Each time you are building more of a relationship and can gauge whether to ask about hosting and/or the business.

Invite to dōTERRA product day events or team events

The corporate events have great energy and the benefit of having someone else organise the day for you! Your customers will also get to hear from a variety of speakers. These days are so valuable and will really help to expand your Customers knowledge, excitement and interest in using essential oils. We can’t recommend these enough! Customers who go often turn into sharers or builders.