Who owns dōTERRA?
dōTERRA is 100% privately owned and controlled by its founding 6 executives; Corey Lindley CEO, Emily Wright President, David Stirling, Dr David Hill Scientific and Healthcare Initiatives, Greg Cook New Market Development, Mark Wolfert General Counsel.
dōTERRA’s headquarters is based in Pleasant Grove Utah USA. With offices and warehouse all over the globe. Production facilities are at Pleasant Grove and in Cork Ireland. dōTERRA owns partnerships called co-operatives with many of its farmers and has distilleries in many countries that they produce oils. The biggest in Europe is Esseterre in Bulgaria. In Europe there are two warehouses currently one in Ireland and One in Amsterdam. There are also corporate offices in Milton Keynes, UK and Berlin Germany. There is also a customer service centre in Hungary supporting Eastern Europe.
Though dōTERRA has experienced phenomenal growth, these same individuals work to maintain the culture of a small company where everyone has a voice and a place.
As part of their vision to bring a new standard of therapeutic-grade essential oils to the world, dōTERRA is invested in moving the science of essential oils forward. This is accomplished in many different ways and is managed by a strong Research and Development team within doTERRA.
This department consists of PhD scientists and experienced professionals that gather scientific and clinical research, identify research needs, design and carry out studies, and prepare those studies for presentation to others. To carry out these ongoing studies, dōTERRA has and continues to build relationships with research hospitals, universities, and other research organizations.
The end goal is to better understand how essential oils work—how the components in an essential oil interact, how essential oils interact with cells, how they affect people, and how they can improve our home and other environments.
The vision of dōTERRA is to help the world heal
By the close of 2030, their goal is to triple their impact with the people they empower, communities they serve, lives they improve and the progress they make in sustainability and science. They know they will achieve this goal because of their enduring pursuit of purity. Together with their Wellness Advocate leaders, they are committed to close out this decade by enriching more lives with their products, pure intentions, pure business practices and their pure love for humanity.
dōTERRA is a Latin derivative, meaning “gift of the earth.” From the beginning, the mission of dōTERRA has been to share the highest-quality essential oils with the world. Having seen the incredible benefits of using these precious resources, a group of healthcare and business professionals set out to make that mission a reality in 2008.