Effective Follow-Up

This is an extremely important part of sharing the oils but also the part which a lot or people find hard to do.  This is mostly due to either fear or being lazy!  A lot of people get stuck at this step.  If you can overcome and face your blocks here, then you will see much quicker success in your business.  Work with your upline with these blocks as they have probably gone through it themselves.  Remember to focus on serving others and try not to focus on you and then it becomes a lot easier.  Take the pressure off and then you can really enjoy the whole process.  You are just the messenger and your job is to educate and help others to open up to the possibility of essential oils.  You are not there to convince anyone.  It is always their choice as to whether or not they will accept the oils into their lives at the moment.  If you do not follow up with them, then you can’t help them on their essential oil journey.

Tips for Effective Follow-up

If possible do the follow up face to face or over the phone.  It is not as effective to send a text or email.

Ask……  “ Have you had chance to use the essential oil YET” – this takes the pressure off them as a lot of times, people will forget to use them or even loose the sample.  This gives them the opportunity to respond truthfully rather than feeling pressured to make something up!

If they had a good experience

– invite them to one of your next classes or 1:1

If they haven’t used it yet, suggest they use it today and you will call them tomorrow or in a couple of days

If they have not had a good experience

Repeat what they have said back to you.

Ask discovery questions to try and find out why the sample didn’t work. Often they just need to change the way they are using it. For example, they may need to do the following;  Increase the frequency they apply it.

  • Increase the amount of drops

  • Try a different application method

  • Try a different oil due to individual Chemistry

 You can continue this a few times until they have a good experience.  Sometimes you may need to find something else to give a sample for.  However, two samples per person is usually a good amount so you may also decide after a couple of samples to invite them to a class or 1:1 as they can then see how and why the essential oils work and then they will be able to select the best oils for them.  This is still a positive result as they would have felt your genuine interest in them and will have had experiences using the oils even if they didn’t get a really strong effect.  In the class you will explain how sometimes it can take time for the oils to work and also combinations of oils can often be more effective etc

There are some occasions when you can tell they really are not open to the oils; this is the time to move on!