The Online Class
Online classes are a great way to reach a larger number of people. The content of what you teach in the class is very similar to what you would teach in a live class.
Preparation before the class
The prep before the class is even more important with an online class as you do not have the same contact during the class. Remember it takes on average 5-8 touches before someone will purchase. If possible, you will want to sample everyone before they come to an online class, this is even more important than for a live class as they will not be able to smell the oils during the online class. You could also send a small sample of wild orange and peppermint so they can do this experience with you during the class.
As far as possible, you will want to have a chat with them before the class too so you can build a good relationship. You can do this by asking for their number so you can discuss their specific needs to enable you to send them the best sample for them but also so you can tailor the class to address their needs.
Teaching the Class
You will probably want to use a power point when teaching an online class, especially if you are teaching more than a couple of people. If possible, send your guests samples of wild orange and peppermint before the class so they can have this experience during the class. Keep the class to about 45 mins as people tend to lose concentration more easily on line.
It is still important to create that relaxed atmosphere so log-on early to your class and welcome each guest as they come on. If there is time, try and have a little interaction with each guest to help them feel welcome and at ease. To avoid constant interruptions during the class, if you have more than a couple of guests, ask them to put their questions in the chat so you can address these throughout the class and at the end. If possible, have others share their essential oil experiences as this adds a lot of value and credibility.
Class follow-up
The follow up after an online class is also extremely important as most people will purchase later. It is good to create a relaxed atmosphere during your online class. You can do this by having a little ‘chat’ with everyone at the start of the class and by staying on at the end so you can continue to chat informally with those who are really interested.
It is also a good idea to set up the expectation that everyone who attends an online class will receive their own free personal 1:1 consultation to help address their needs and answer any specific questions they may have. This can just be a 10 min consultation set up via zoom. This will help you to close attendees and help them make the best decision for them. Try and set this up in the pre-class chat you have with them.
Sending a post class email is also very important for online classes and can be sent straight after the class.