Finding Through A Hosted Class
A Hosted class is a great way to find new people as you ask someone to Host a class for you. They may have 5 to 10 friends they could invite to their house and you can teach them an essential oil class.
A Hosted class runs exactly the same way as a class except that a Host will invite all there friends to their house and you will then teach the class at a venue agreed between you and the Host.
Hosted Classes are a very effective way of growing your business. If you can try and get at least one hosted class from every class you do, you will never run out of classes!
Think of all the people you know who could do this or influential in some way. These are the first people that will be able to help you start to build your business and are you most likely candidates to do this business with you.
Hosted Classes have lots of benefits:
The class attendees are found and invited for you.
It can be a great way to encourage a Host to build the business as they get to see what the business entails and that they can do this business as well.
It’s easier to find other Hosts from these classes as Hosts will talk about why they decided to Host a class which will encourage others to do the same.
How to Get Hosted Classes
There are many opportunities to ask for a hosted class.
You can set this up at the beginning of the class by stating your ‘share intention’ – “As you are here tonight you may have names of friends and family who pop into your mind who you feel would benefit from these oils. I would be very happy to come to your home and teach a class for them. If you can write down their health concerns, I will also be happy to get them some free samples for you to take away with you.”
At the end of the class you can refer back to this by saying;
“If you would like to host a class and share these oils with your family and friends, I would be very happy to come to your home to do this. I can also give you some samples to take away with you to give your guests or I can send these to you through the post. All you need to do is invite ten people and I will do the rest. If you would like to book a class tonight, you can also choose a gift to take away with you. You will also receive further gifts after the class.”
You can adapt this to your situation. For example if you are giving regular classes in an area and would like to incentivise people to bring their friends, you could give them a sample to give to their friend and have a program that when they bring a friend they can get a gift or save up points to get bigger gifts.
I personally want people to book a class because they really enjoyed the class and feel it would be of benefit for their friends and family and not just because they want a free gift. However, I do think it is a great thing to offer and helps to seal the deal! Here are some examples of incentives but feel free to come up with your own;
Wild Orange and some essential oil infused chocolates
Aroma touch massage
LRP collection (a tailored package of oils and products that are not in the starter kits)
Bath bomb (homemade) and lip balm and emotional oil
Free resource book such as ‘Modern Essentials’
Key ring with sample bottles. Put 20 drops of an oil in each sample bottle for each guest who attends.
Oil case
Diffuser (everyone needs more than one!)
Using the Feedback form
A really great tool for getting hosted classes is to pass around the feedback form as this has a place the guests can tick if they would like to host a class. You can then speak with them individually at the end to arrange a time to call. When you introduce hosting a class, always put time limit on your current offer otherwise a date will never be committed! For example, you could say, “I am doing a special offer for the next month where I will come and teach a class for free and also the host will get a wild orange and some essential oil infused chocolates as a thank you.”
At An Event
Events are a great way to widen your network and expand your contact list without bothering your friends. After doing the wild orange and peppermint experience and talking with them a little about the oils, you will then want to invite them to attend a class. At this point, I would say the following;
“You could come to one of our classes, or a much nicer thing to do is to host your own class as I/we are actually doing an offer where I/we can come to your home and do a class for your friends and family for free. This is a much nicer way as I/we can do a more intimate and personalised class where we can really address the needs of the class in a relaxed atmosphere. You will also actually get a free gift for hosting. Would you like to do that?”
It’s really important that you try not to look desperate when you are inviting them to host a class! I know this can be difficult, but remember you will find interested people if you keep asking so don’t put too much pressure on yourself or those you speak with! Try and relax and just enjoy the inviting process with little attachment.
If they start showing an interest then just simply say;
“Let’s start by taking your details (put them into the IPad or another recording device). The best thing to do is if I call you in about a week so it gives you time to talk with your friends to work out the best time for the class. When would be a good time to call? Great, I look forward to speaking with you then.”
Asking a Friend
When starting this business, it can be very tempting to go and ask all of your friends to host a class for you. I do not recommend doing this as it can be the quickest way of losing your friends interest in the oils! Occasionally you may feel it is fine to ask a friend to host if they are a very close friend and you know they would like to do a favour for you. The best way in my opinion is to always lead with the oils. This is very easy with those you love as of course you want to help them first. When it feels natural, (which is usually after they have experienced the oils or seen lots of your posts or you have had some conversations with them) you can then ask if they know others who they think would be interested in learning about the oils as you would love to come and do a personal class with them and their friends. I usually don’t try and ‘sell’ the idea to them or tell them about the free gift as once they see what the oils can do, they are often willing to invite their friends because they trust you and now they also trust the product. You can then surprise them with a ‘Thank you gift’ later.
As soon as they show interest, arrange a time to call them the following week to set a date otherwise, it can take forever to actually get a committed date. This is actually harder with friends as the relationship is relaxed!
Asking someone who isn’t a friend
As with a friend, I suggest you lead with the oils and build a relationship with someone before asking them to host. This relationship can be built in a few minutes or over the course of a few days/weeks or even months. Don’t be in a rush to commit someone, just do it when it feels natural. When it feels right, invite them to come to a class and when you do this, suggest they do a hosted class instead. You could say something similar to the invite I share above as an example of what to say at a fayre. Always make the hosted class sound much more fun, personal and inviting! They are the best classes as everyone knows each other so the guests are all more relaxed and feed off each other. It also means that you have just converted your one contact into at least four!
You can send an email out to all of your contacts or use your Facebook groups to build relationships and post offers for hosting classes. See email to ask to host.
Helping the Host to Invite
It is worth investing time into this as it will make a huge difference to the number and quality of attendees at your class.
Call the Host! Like with everything in dōTERRA, building a RELATIONSHIP is essential when working with a host. It is a good idea to schedule in a call with the host about a week after they have agreed to host a class. In this conversation you want to be very warm and explain what happens next.
For example, you could say:
“Thank you so much for hosting a class, as I said, these are my favourite classes as I can really makes them personal to the guests. To help with this, If possible, it is great if I can get to know the guests needs a little before I come so I can tailor the class to them. I also like to offer each guest a personalised sample depending on their needs. I have an invite I can send you to help generate interest. Once you know who would like to come, I would then like to send them an individual email and if possible speak with them or text them in person so I can best see what their needs are. Does this sound good? I can then either send the samples they choose to you for you to distribute or I can send them directly to them.”
If the guest is hesitant about passing on her friends details, then you can just ask for email addresses and correspond to the guests that way. Most people are fine to give their emails. I just say it like a matter of course which ensues confidence in the host which then passes onto their guests so I don’t often have this problem as most people want to make the most of the ‘personalised approach’. I have found this approach invaluable to helping with attendance.
Once you have discussed inviting the guests and sampling, it is then a good idea to just briefly tell the host what her role is in the class which is basically very simple so they are reassured that hosting is going to be very easy. I say something like:
“Once I have the contact details/ or you have passed on the samples to your guests, that is pretty much your part over! I will arrive at your house about half an hour before the class to set up if that is okay? Would it be possible for you to provide a jug of water and glasses for each guest as I would like to add some essential oils to the water for the guests to try? I will also bring some essential oil infused chocolates. If you would like to provide a few healthy snacks you can but that is completely up to you. Does this sound good and do you have any questions?”
Send the invite email or Facebook ad to host
Send the Email to the guests requesting a sample choice. Send out samples as soon as you can.
Contact guests a few days after sending sample – to see how the sample went and begin to build a personal relationship
Contact guests a day or two before class; saying how much you are looking forward to meeting them and ask what specific things they would like you to cover in the class.
Explain how you like to make the classes personal to them. You can also say that you are doing a special offer at the moment to do more hosted classes with their friends and family so if they like the class they can book one on the night and receive a free gift. Say, it’s a good idea to bring their diary so they can do this and that you will be bringing yours.
This can come across really naturally after you have been building a relationship. Often you will find you will click with some of the guests and they are the ones to especially ask this to. It’s great if you can already have a potential host before you have even arrived at the class!
Teaching the Hosted Class
Hosted Classes are very similar to your normal intro class. You just need to make more effort at the beginning to build relationships. This is why it is ideal if you can contact each of the guests before you arrive at the class so they already feel comfortable with you and have started to trust you.
On Arrival
As soon as you arrive, take some time to really thank the host again personally and continue to build a relationship. Remember the atmosphere you create at the beginning of the class is so important. This is especially true when doing a hosted class and the relationship you have with the host will greatly affect the trust their guests will have with you. Ask the host if they can introduce you at the beginning of the class and then just hand over to you.
You should also try and have a chat with each of the guests before the class starts. If you have spoken to them before the class, you can reference that and their individual need.