Don’t complain about the results you didn’t get for the work you didn’t do!

Finding is the Most Important Activity in doTERRA

As we partner with dōTERRA, our collaborative mission is to teach people to live more HEALTHY, PRODUCTIVE lives and to SHARE with others the BLESSINGS of a lifetime of WELLNESS. The only way we can do this is through opening our mouths and sharing the oils!

When you truly align your mission with dōTERRA and feel it in your heart and commit to it, Finding will be a biproduct as people will be magnetized towards you.  Everywhere you go, there are people!  It is down to you to find your authentic way of sharing and to be clear on the people you are wanting to attract. 

The first step to finding is therefore to Review your Why and to also be clear on your first personal goal.  This helps you to be intentional with who and how many people you are wanting to attract.

 The following will help you to get really clear on how many people you need to be finding dependent on your specific goal.

If you are a Sharer you are looking to cover the cost of your oils:
Earn £150/month.

You need your second level power of 3 for this which will give you £180/month.  To achieve this, you need to find 12 good customers who will spend 100pv every month.  To find 12 good customers, you will need to enroll around 36 customers in total and find about 100 customers. 

To break this down, a good monthly goal is:  find 10 people every month, getting 6 to a class and enroll 2- 3 people a month.  Through doing this, you should have at least 12 good customers by the end of the year.  This will then give you free oils forever!

If you are a builder wanting to supplement your income:
Earn £500 - £1,500 month = Silver

You need to be finding about 25 people a month and getting 12 to a class so you can enroll 4 people every month.  The amount you earn by the end of the year will be dependent on how loyal your customers are.  This is why it is also very important to invest in continued education to keep your existing customers informed, supported and happy. 

If you are looking to Replace your income and beyond - £2,000 plus/month = Gold plus

You need to be finding at least 40 people every month, getting 15 plus to a class, and looking to enrol 6 plus/month

The doTERRA model works!  If you are passionate about the products and are committed to your personal goals driven by your deeper mission and purpose, you will succeed as long as you put in the Action!  The only thing between this moment and your success is YOU!