Once you start having your own experiences of the oils and are confident looking them up and using them, the next step is to start sharing them with others.
For some people this can be a scary step while others find it very natural. The thing to remember with doTERRA essential oils is that you do not need to push them on anyone, just share from your heart. This is why it is vital that you experience the oils for yourself before you begin sharing them with others so you can be genuine and passionate with your sharing! Once you have your own belief in the oils, you will start thinking of many people you know who could also benefit from using them.
Are they open to natural medicine and to learn more about this?
You do not need to worry if they are going to buy the oils at this stage, just if they are open and willing to learn.
Step 1 – Create a List
The very first step is to start creating a list that you can put to paper. The idea is that you start thinking of all of the people you know who you think could benefit from these wonderful oils. Remember; don’t think about trying to sell the oils at this stage, you are inviting them to learn more. You should start with a list of 40 and then expand this to 100.
Next – start evaluating!
First – Look for potential builders
When you first start doing the business, you want to try and find 3 builders as soon as possible. Have a clear picture in your head of the type of person you would like to work with on your dōTERRA journey. These are some traits you might want to consider which have been statistically analysed by doTerra.
Are they Influential and have a good network?
Are they entrepreneurial? (Will they understand this will take time, energy and some money investment too?)
Do they have a money need and/or Success need and/or Purpose and fulfilment need?
Have they run a business before?
Are they Passionate about natural medicine?
Do they have a supportive partner (this doesn’t mean a partner who will necessarily join them in the business at some point, but someone who will support them whilst growing their business)
You may also want to consider the following;
Do You get on with them! (one of the most important as you will be working closely with them for a few years!)
Do They have time? – 10 plus hours/week
Are they self-motivated and independent?
Do they share a similar vision as you?
Step 2 – Look for potential customers: those on your list who are interested in natural medicine or health. These will generally be the easiest to start sharing with as they are usually the most open.
Then, think of people you know who have specific ailments that dōTERRA could really help with.
Start Sharing!
Once you have evaluated your list – you need to decide where you want to start. This is a personal choice. Some Advocates want to start sharing with their potential builders straight away as this is one of the fastest ways to grow your business. However, other advocates prefer to share with those on their list they know will be open to natural medicine regardless of if you think they could be potential builders or not. It doesn’t matter what you decide, the important thing is to start!
Take some time to ponder your approach with each of your friends. For example, you could give a specific sample to some of your friends to try, others, you might want to send some information to. Some of your contacts you may not have seen for a while so you will want to make initial contact with them first and see where the conversation leads naturally. You could invite others to your home where they will see the oils and have chance to see you using them in your water, diffuser etc.
Another idea is to create a group for those close to you who have said they would like to try the oils or would like to know more. This way they can all hear from each other and it creates great momentum.
Here are some other ideas;
Invite them to dinner/coffee/walk etc and again let the oils come up naturally
Plant seeds – this Is particularly effective with people you see/or chat with more frequently. Just drop the oils into the conversation occasionally and wait!
Send them a specific sample according to their need (ideas for this are covered in the next section)
Use the oils openly and wait for people to ask questions!
Diffuse the oils when you have guests in your home and offer them a drink with citrus oils in.
Do ‘on the spot’ sampling – this is very effective with Wild Orange and Peppermint. You can just put a drop of each in the palm of their hands and get then to rub their hands together then inhale whilst closing their eyes. You can also do ‘on the spot’ sampling with Deep Blue where you rub about a one pence sample into their area of pain.
Share the mini – A-Z guide with friends and ask if they would like to try anything. When you are first starting, you can say, you would like to experience the effects of the oils but can’t test them all yourself! Would they like to use one for a specific ailment. This guide is a great way to help open someones mind to the variety of things the oils can help with.
Always carry a keyring with your most popular samples in so you can give a sample naturally and spontaneously.
Send an e-book or other online information about an oil or other products
Identify the main influencer in a group and spend time helping then to have a good experience with the oils.
Private message people on Facebook
You can create a group which you can invite your contacts to. You can then post freely about the oils in this group without worrying about bombarding all your contacts with what can be perceived as ‘product pushing’ posts.
Use Instagram and other social platforms to market yourself and the oils. Please do this in a tasteful, educational and compliant way.
Personally reply to any interest and ask if you can give them a call so you can work out the best sample for them.
Respond to a need online- e.g. post saying can’t sleep etc
Evaluate and qualify contact before sending a sample – Don’t just send samples without any commitment - Ask to follow up two days later – phone call – invite to a class
Sampling Record Sheet
It is very important that you keep track of all the people you speak to about the oils as you can quickly forget. It will also make it easier to come back to those who were not interested when you initially contacted them as it can often take time for people to want to move to the next step.