Finding Through Fayres and Events

Fayres can be a fantastic Finding tool.  We have found some excellent customers and Builders at Fayres.  They will probably only be successful if you enjoy doing them though!  Try one and you will quickly see if its suited to you!  Go to Fayres with the ‘Entrepreneurial Mindset’ knowing that if you find one good LRP customer and/or one Sharer or Builder it is worth it in the long run.  It is hard to really put an amount on how much value one of these will be for your business.

Most Fayres will ask you for Insurance so make sure you have something to cover you.

Select the Type of Fayre that interests you

  • Niche markets – e.g. your profession, interest or chosen area

  • Recommended markets:  Alternative health professionals, MBS, Health and beauty, Anti Aging, baby shows, gyms, conferences etc.

  • Think – looking for users or builders or both.  Markets with money etc.

  • Local Smaller fayres – Stall finder, fetes

Things to Take

You can do a fayre without any displays or fancy material.  You only actually need a few oils, a way of recording contacts and You!  Below are a list of others things you can take to a fayre;

  • Back drop or banner/ displays

  • Tablecloth

  • Plastic display stands – posters in for class, intro kit and physician kit, refreshments

  • Oils, products including Deep Blue Rub, and coconut oil!

  • Books

  • Cash- change

  • Wild Orange and Peppermint to sample

  • Business cards/leaflets

  • Fayre specific tear pads

  • IPad/iPhone if recording contacts electronically

  • Paperwork; Summary of classes, Separate class lists, enrolment forms, contact list, class tickets

  • Diffuser

For smaller fayres you could also take the following;

  • Itovi machine with emotions book – could charge for this

  • Refreshments – date balls, chocolate fudge, lavender lemonade – with recipe cards

Tips for attracting people to your stand

You can’t wait for people to come to your stall as most people will not unless you give them a reason especially as most people will not have a clue what these essential oils can do for them.  You therefore want to say something quick and intriguing, enough to make them stop for just a couple of seconds.  Here are some examples

  • “Did you know you can take essential oils internally?”

  • “Would you like to sample some wonderful essential oils?”

  • “Did you know essential oils are the most powerful form of plant medicine?

  • “Have you heard of dōTERRA?”

  • Come and try a free sample of incredible oils

You then want to follow this up with the following;

  • These essential oils 100% pure, they are not adulterated in any way and that is why you can take them internally. 

  • Can I give/I must give you an experience to help to show you how powerful these oils are.

  • Wild orange and peppermint experience (28 cups of tea, sourced from around the world, 100% pure- testing, internal etc.)


  • Don’t spend too long on one person without committing them to a class!  Once committed and if seem good, spend as long as you like!

  • Look out for ‘time wasters’!

  • Show other oils and products

Followed by the invite…..

  • When essential oils are 100% pure they are extremely powerful at helping the body heal from anything.

  • We are teaching classes following this event where we teach all about this……etc. 

  • Only charging £10 and you get a free wild orange and nibbles with oils in

  • Would you like to come to a class?

Record Contact Details

  • On paper – sign-up sheet:  name, tel, email, town, coming to a class? Comments (takes a lot of time after the event, wrong details etc.)

  • Electronically - £60.00 for one licence for life!  Use on as many devices as you like. 

  • At busy fayres – Collect business cards – win an intro kit plus free class!

  • Record more detail in the Comments section - give a number rating how interested they are as this will help you prioritize your follow up, are they interested in hosting a class or doing the business?

Commit to a Class

It is a good idea to have a least two classes for people to book onto.  For larger fayres you will want more.  If possible, offer live classes and an optional online class.  Only offer the online option if they can’t make the Live ones as it is much easier for people to fall in love with the oils at a Live class.  You can also use your upline and cross line classes. 

Think of a strategy to encourage them to book at the event.  Here are some examples;

  • Charge £10 for classes – receive a free wild orange when they come to a class

  • £2 for an intro kit including a class

  • £125 for a physician kit, including a class

  • Tell them there will be chocolates at the class and an opportunity to smell and experiment with the oils. 

Closing Options

Have the following options available;

  • Your own classes to book onto, Live if possible and an online option

  • Use downline and up line classes too

Things to Sell

I generally like to keep my fayres simple and so focus on selling class tickets.  Here are some ideas of other things you can also sell;

  • Intro Kits

  • Physician kits

  • Books

  • Deep Blue Rub

  • Key rings

  • A-Z booklets/miracle booklets

  • Diffusers

  • Homemade gifts

Things to ask the organizers 

  • Table, chairs – do they provide these

  • Electricity and lighting if you want it

  • Are they loyal – will you be the only dōTERRA Rep there?

  • Estimated foot fall and target market

  • How many people are you allowed on your stand?

Fair Follow-Up

This is an extremely important part of doing a fayre.  The sooner you contact people the better the results will be.

  • Sort contacts and put into your systems.

  • Send follow-up email 2 days after event – if you have their contact number then send a text too.

  • Call key people to invite to a class or just to keep up relationship

  • Text all class attendees to say how lovely it was to meet them

  • Send a separate email to confirm class attendance

  • Email to those not booked to offer available classes (or just include in first email)

  • 2 weeks later send last email to offer classes

  • Add to main database – send occasional emails

Calling!  This is often the best way for follow-up.  The most important thing here is to be very natural and ‘light’ in your conversation, just keeping up the enthusiasm of their experience with the oils.  You can check they have received the email and ask if there is anything you can help with.

  • Start calling after first email has been sent

  • Check they received email, invite to a class

  • Call 3-5 times on different days and times before leaving a message!

  • Call best leads first, possible business and hosting.

  • Call those coming to a class

As with everything in dōTERRA.  Have Fun at Fayres and bring your best happy self! This will bring you the most success!