Teaching LRP
When explaining the LRP program, there are two parts you will need to share;
Part 1 – Explain the concept and help create a vision
You can save a lot of money just by buying what you would normally buy!
Part 2 – Explain how it works practically
Each month you spend 50 PV or more which is about 40 pounds, this will count as a ‘qualifying month’.
It is important for you to really understand and value LRP before you are able to communicate this effectively and with integrity to your customers. I used to feel uncomfortable introducing LRP to new customers as it felt like I was trying to ‘push’ more products onto them. Then I realised, like with everything indōTERRA, it is just more education.
LRP is the best way and cheapest way for customers to get the most out of their account. It is a very generous program and one that makes sense to do once customers are educated into how the dōTERRA oils and products are a way of life and not something they are just going to put on their shelves and forget about. The only way the oils and products are really going to make a difference in others’ lives is if they use them habitually and at least weekly if not daily. Once they start doing this and feeling the benefits, it makes perfect sense for them to purchase through the LRP program, in fact it would be silly and a mistake not to as they will end up paying more money for their products. It is therefore our responsibility to explain this program as simply and clearly as possible so they can make their own educated choice.
In the majority of cases, you will be going through LRP in detail during the Wellness Consultation. Here is an example of what to say:
Part 1 – Explain the concept and help create a vision
“dōTERRA offer a very generous Loyalty Rewards Program for all their members. You are currently a wholesale member which means every time you order; you will get 25% off the Retail Cost of the oils. The cheapest way to get your doTERRA products is through the LRP program. Basically as you start using the oils, you will probably find that there will be certain oils you will want to buy frequently like Lemon for example. As you have seen there are also lots of other products such as the hand soap and onguard cleaner that will help to reduce chemicals in your home so you can replace the things you normally buy every month with doTERRA chemical free versions. This is why doTERRA set up this LRP program so that each month you purchase you can collect points which you can save and then use to buy the products. The points quickly add up and each point is worth about 1 dollar, so you can save a lot of money just by buying what you would normally buy. Let me explain how it works.”
Part 2 – Explain how it works practically
As you can see from the price list, each product has what is called a ‘PV’ or ‘Product Value’ to it. Each month you spend 50 PV or more which is about 40 pounds, this will count as a ‘qualifying month’. Each time you have a qualifying month, you will collect points. As you can see from this chart (this can be found on page xxx of the Live Guide), you start by getting an extra 10 percent back in what you spend in points. Once you have three ‘qualifying months’ which by the way do not need to be consecutive, you will then jump up to getting 15 % back in points and then 20% and so on until after 13 qualifying months, you will be getting an additional 30% back in points on top of the 25 % you are automatically getting off the retail cost of the products. The Loyalty program really does save you a lot of money. Would you like me to show you how to do it? I can also help to set it up now for you if you would like and then it will be really easy for you when you come back into your account and place your next order?”
You can then go into their account and show them how to do this in the back office. Remember to tell them that you recommend setting it up in the first 15 days of the month because they will have a chance to get the free product of the month. Also show them how they can change the date of their order, delivery address and card details etc. Tell them that they can cancel at any time but to please remember to use up their points first. They just need to call customer services to cancel their LRP. Make sure they understand that they will receive a reminder email a couple of days before their order is due to go out so they can edit their order for the upcoming month. It is a good idea to send them a video explaining LRP after your consultation so they can remind themselves of what you have shared.
Additional LRP Tips for Wellness Advocates
It is important to share the importance of having 100pv LRP every month for advocates who show an interest in the business as early on as possible so that there are no surprises later!
You can say something like this;
“The dōTERRA business has the potential to be whatever you want it to be. Like any business, this will mainly depend on the amount of time and effort you are willing to give it. Unlike other start-up businesses, it does not take a lot of financial input. In fact, the only investment you are required to make to start your dōTERRA business is to spend about 100 pounds a month on whatever dōTERRA products you choose. This qualifies you as a business advocate and means you will automatically receive any bonuses. It is also a sign of your commitment and will help you get the products you will need to grow your business effectively.”
You can then cover how to do this in training and show them how to set up the LRP etc. `We usually say about 100 pounds when we initially introduce the concept and then later when we are doing the business training, We will explain the difference between starting on 100pv and why we train it is best to do an order of 150pv. You can tailor this according to the individual as it is sometimes best for some advocates to start doing 100pv order and then increase this to 150pv over time. For serious business builders, we would strongly suggest they start how they mean to go on by placing orders of 150pv. This will help to motivate them to start making money quickly!