Attracting Builders

As you embark on this journey, I am excited to share some valuable tips to help you attract like-minded individuals to join you on this transformative path.

Firstly, it's crucial to understand that you are not just attracting builders to a product or a company; you are attracting them to YOU. Building belief in key areas—The Product, The Compensation Plan, The Company, and Yourself—is essential for your success.

If you are not attracting builders, you are probably lacking belief in one of these areas and/or you are simply not doing enough action yourself!  You cannot ‘Fake’ doing the dōTERRA Business and just hope a good builder is going to fall into your lap, you need to be actively doing the business consistently to attract good people to you.

Ultimately you are attracting them to your belief in all these things, so it is important that you find your own belief in these things and keep feeding it!

Let’s look then at how you can improve your belief in each of the areas mentioned above.

1. The Product

This is Easy! Use the oils as much as you can- learn through personal experience. Watch videos about the oils and use the Resource books available to learn more about why the oils work and how to use them most effectively.

You can also learn more about the Science behind the oils by looking at the dōTERRA Science Blog, Source to You and Aromatic Science (the data base for all of dōTERRA Scientific Journals). There is so much information available to you so my advice is to do a bit of essential oil education every day and not get lost in it as you could keep reading and learning forever and never actually start your business!


  • Learn about the company – online, conventions, trainings etc.

  • Learn and understand the comp plan! 

  • Look to UP -line and leaders at events

2. The Compensation Plan

Learn the basics of the compensation plan and listen to your upline and cross lines stories of how they have been successful in dōTERRA.  You can also find more stories across Europe on the dōTERRA Europe YouTube Channel.

You don’t need to be personally earning lots of money and achieving Ranks before you can attract a good builder. You just need to have belief that you can get there and be resolute that you are not going to give up until you do!  Others will feel this energy and unite with you even if you are right at the beginning of your dōTERRA Business.

3. The Company

Learn about the Executives and their story and Mission from the dōTERRA Europe website and the main dō website.  You can also find some great videos from the Executives on YouTube to help you connect with the main leaders.  I strongly suggest you attend all of the dōTERRA events in the UK and the main European events; convention and Leadership (for Premiers and above). This is where you will often get to meet some of the Executives and feel of their genuine love and passion for dōTERRA which will help give you more confidence in your business.

4. You

This is the most important part as you can have belief in all the above and ultimately the main reason others will choose to partner with you is because of who you are and who you are ‘being’!  This is why it is so important to take time each day investing in your own self development

Here are some thoughts you might be having about you:

  • You don’t know enough to train someone else!

  • You don’t feel ready for a builder – to mentor

  • You have lots of weaknesses.

  • You are not a leader!

Here is some advice:

Stop thinking so much! Develop a daily Self-development routine e.g. reading Self-learning books, programs, techniques, YouTube etc.

Challenge each of these thoughts, they are not ‘real’ just thoughts in your mind. 

Inspire yourself to do things you love every day, learn techniques to ignore these doubts and come up with solutions

We all have weaknesses, don’t dwell on them.

My experience – If it is true, that you don’t think you know enough.  Talk with your upline about what you really need to know to be able to train a new builder.  Get some simple systems in place.  Remember you don’t need to know everything.  You just need to be a couple of steps ahead of your new builder.  Then just take a leap of faith!

I wasn’t attracting builders for the first year of doing my business.  I then realised; I had a block when it came to training a new builder.  I spent some time (a week) visualising and creating a simple step by step program to train a new builder.  A few weeks later I found two incredible builders who really wanted to go for it!

You will only be able to attract the kind of builder you are!  If you are doing it part time and slowly, don’t expect to attract a builder who wants to go for it. 

You are the Heart of your brand

1. Authenticity and Relatability:

Your authenticity creates a genuine connection with potential builders. By showcasing your personal journey, struggles, and victories, you become relatable. This relatability fosters trust, a crucial factor in attracting individuals who resonate with your story.

2. Leadership Presence:

Believing in yourself radiates a natural leadership presence. Confidence in your abilities, even in the face of challenges, inspires others to trust your guidance. Leadership isn't about perfection; it's about authenticity and the continuous pursuit of growth.

3. Magnetism of Energy:

The energy you emit—your enthusiasm, determination, and passion—becomes a magnet for like-minded individuals. People are drawn to those who exude positivity and resilience. As you build belief in your capabilities, you naturally emit a magnetic energy that attracts potential builders who seek similar qualities.

4. Confidence in the Face of Doubt:

Doubt is a natural part of any journey, but how you handle it defines your success. Building belief in yourself equips you to face doubts head-on, finding solutions and maintaining confidence even in uncertain times. This resilience becomes a guiding light for others considering joining your team.

The Ripple Effect

1. Impact on Team Dynamics:

Your belief in yourself has a direct impact on the dynamics of your team. It creates a positive, can-do atmosphere that encourages collaboration, innovation, and mutual support. When your team sees your unwavering belief, it instills confidence in their own potential.

2. Resonating with Like-Minded Individuals: L

ike attracts like. As you build belief in yourself, you naturally attract individuals who share similar values and aspirations. Your authenticity becomes a beacon for those seeking a community where personal growth and collective success are celebrated.

In summary, building belief in yourself transcends personal development—it's a powerful force that shapes your brand, leadership style, and team dynamics. Your belief becomes a rallying point, drawing others to join you on this empowering journey. Embrace the journey of self-discovery, and let your unwavering belief be the catalyst for a thriving dōTERRA business community.

Here are Some Practical ways to find builders

1. Authentic Storytelling:

Share your personal journey with dōTERRA. What inspired you to embark on this venture? People connect with stories, and by sharing yours, you'll resonate with those seeking a genuine and relatable experience.

2. Educational Content:

Position yourself as a go-to resource by creating informative content. From the benefits of essential oils to the dōTERRA business model, educate your audience. Knowledge empowers, and your expertise will draw others seeking to learn and grow.

3. Engaging Social Media Presence:

Leverage the power of social media to connect with a broader audience. Regularly share your insights, success stories, and product highlights. Engage with your followers by responding to comments and questions promptly.

4. Host Events and Workshops:

Organize events or workshops to showcase the benefits of dōTERRA products and the business opportunity. This personal touch allows potential advocates to experience the products firsthand and understand the community they could be a part of.

5. Mentorship and Support:

Offer mentorship to your team members. The more support you provide, the more likely they are to thrive. A strong support system fosters a sense of community, making others eager to join your dōTERRA family.

6. Share Testimonials:

Encourage satisfied customers and team members to share their success stories. Authentic testimonials are powerful tools to showcase the real impact of dōTERRA products and the business opportunity.

7. Consistent Communication:

Stay connected with your audience consistently. Whether through newsletters, blog posts, or social media updates, maintaining regular communication builds trust and keeps your audience engaged.

Remember, your journey with dōTERRA is not just a business venture; it's a lifestyle. By authentically sharing your passion, knowledge, and support, you'll naturally attract individuals who resonate with your story and are eager to join you on this empowering journey.


Approach with friends

‘Be as natural as possible’ Let friends know there is a business but don’t push too much.’

They can watch you grow and see your Facebook- occasional post but can create a separate fbk which you can invite people to like.  You can also share a lot on Instagram so they can see your consistent journey with the oils and the business.

You can also set up a WhatsApp Broadcast group for anyone interested in learning more.  This way you can educate them over time and let them know when your classes and intro to business events are.

Approach with those you don’t know as well!

You can be a lot bolder!

doterra has a wonderful business opportunity which is centred on education and is simple and easy to follow.  I have some spaces on my team and am looking for the right kind of person to place there.  I think this would work really well for you because…………....’

In Summary – How to Attract Builders

  • Believe in yourself, Oils, Company & Business

  • Consistent hard work

  • Be the builder you would like to attract

  • Share with confidence, happiness, and integrity!

Remember Like attracts Like!