Our Vision

I was first drawn to the dōTERRA business for two reasons;

  1. I was passionate about natural medicine

  2. I was determined to find a way to help pay for the family monthly food bill!

My vision from the beginning was based on these two things, being very excited that I had found something that I believed in that could help make the necessary money she needed to support my family during a time of financial struggle.

This initial Vision has expanded and evolved since……….

If you don’t have your health, you don’t have anything!

(Chuck Pagano)

Since starting dōTERRA in 2014 I have seen how many people truly struggle with their physical and mental health every single day. This affects everything from their daily quality of life to their dreams and aspirations. Often the only dream they can perceive is one that is free from their current condition. dōTERRA has given us the tool to bring hope and healing to so many of these people which has driven us to continually share these gifts of nature with as many people as we can.

As we grew in dōTERRA, we soon began to realise how dōTERRA could also be a very effective tool at helping people to achieve financial goals and more importantly freedom! We had personal experience of the difference this can make as it took us out of survival mode, to a place where we could help others and start to dream again. 

Through these experiences and realisations of the importance of helping people with their health and finances, our new vision was born;

Rebecca and Nathans dōTERRA Vision 2024

Our Vision has evolved and is now simply the following;

  1. To Fulfil our potential and help others to do the same. We believe we can do this through serving others powerfully with the gifts and tools we have been given and teaching them to do the same.

  2. To use dōTERRA as a tool to help raise awareness and do all we can to reduce Global Child Trafficking