Class Resources
You do not need a lot of resources to teach a class. It is important to try and keep resources to a minimum. This is because one of the key parts of growing your business is to attract other people who would like to do business with you. You therefore want to show a potential builder how easy it is to teach a class and that you don’t need elaborate displays or resources
Essential Class handouts
Enrolment form – you can also use link generator. I have enrolment forms as a back up
Feedback form
A few full price lists to put on the table – check dō for updated UK price lists.
Optional Resources
Light Refreshments with essential oils e.g. humus with lemon and jugs of water with lemon, wild orange, grapefruit, ginger and lime.
Raw chocolates with oils!
Simple Displays (Essential Oil Supplies)
Pens and clipboards for guests to lean on
Healthy made simple guide
Optional class handouts
Class notes sheet
Natural Solutions Handout if doing this class
The following are recommended for a class:
Oils! – It is obviously essential to have some oils at a class. The best place to start for most people is with one of the kits so the best oils to have at a class are the ten cores oils. If you are teaching the Intro class then you will need either the Family Physician Kit or the Home Essentials Kit.
If teaching the Natural Solutions Class, it is good to have some of the extra products too or if possible, the whole kit!
Essential Oil Reference book: e.g. Advanced Oil Magic, Modern Essentials Book and/or The Essential Life Book – all from Essential Oil Supplies
Coconut oil – for safety in the class. Just in case someone gets an oil in their eye or is sensitive to an oil. This doesn’t happen very often but is to have as a precaution.
Tube of Deep Blue Rub
Live Long Vitality Pack
Visit the link below to download these useful tools:
Intro Class Powerpoint
Recipe Sheet
Class Notes Sheet
Feedback Form
Membership and Order Form