Mentoring your dōTERRA Business Partners
Once you have learnt the basic steps of the business and are consistently building your business, you will soon be in the position where you will have builders you will need to train. This is a very exciting stage in your business. It is important to note that you must never stop finding people to share the oils with as you will need to continue to enrol as you progress in dōTERRA. You now need to start to balance your time and split it between doing the basic steps of the business yourself and training. You will also find you will be a better leader if you are continually living what you are teaching! The more you do, generally the more your downline will do!
Skills to Master:
Understand the basic steps of the business
Live and Do the basic steps of the business yourself!
Ability to Duplicate and make things simple!
Continued Self-Belief!
Confident in the online resources; Share success and dōTERRA University
Resources Needed to Train:
The business overview printed and email version
Basic Training course powerpoints and webinars – use the launch guide, build etc
Buckets and Pipelines
Leader videos from YouTube!
Other Resources:
Personal development books
Weekly Mentoring:
Carry out Weekly Mentoring sessions with your builders. This is extremely important when a builder first starts doing dōTERRA as they will probably have lots of questions.
Weekly mentoring sessions should take place until a builder hits Diamond!
The following are things to cover in these sessions:
Challenge them to teach classes every month (casual builder: at least 1, business builder: 2-4)
Help with sampling and finding
Strategize and help place new enrolees
Help answer questions
Review goals from previous week
Help set action plan for coming week
Make note of their classes and goals
Any important info of events etc
Ask how you can support them